Tuesday Talks will kick off in August for caregivers who want to learn more about services available for them and their family members who have disabilities. This free session is sponsored by Ridge Area Arc.
Michael L. Keiber, from the Law Office of Michael L. Keiber, P.A., in Sebring, will be discussing “Special Needs Trusts” and other important information to assist caregivers in taking the necessary steps in preparing their estate for their loved one who has a disability. This FREE informative presentation is the first of an ongoing series to help educate caregivers of people with disabilities on topics that they feel are important to help them provide the best care for their loved ones. Tuesday Talks is provided by Ridge Area Arc. Caregivers will decide what topics they want to see addressed in the future. The public is invited.
Light refreshments will be served.
For more details or to RSVP,
Call 863-452-1295, ext. 124.
Tuesday, Aug. 8
5-6 p.m.
Ridge Area Arc
Training Room
4352 Independence St.
Avon Park (off College Drive)