Adult Basic Education: The Eckstadt Educational Center
The Eckstadt Educational Center helps lifetime learners continue to expand their knowledge in subjects such as math, reading, and writing in a Montessori style where teachers provide instruction at whatever level is appropriate to the individuals with accommodations specific to the student’s needs. The education team partners with our Adult Day Training teachers to create lifetime learners in the consumers we serve.
Lifetime learners are more successful. Yes, I’ll say it again. There is no reason that because we did not absorb all the information brought before us in a traditional school that we should not commit to continuing to learn far into our adulthood. Individuals, to do this effectively, need a wide range of skills, and frequently these skills have not been learned during the normal school cycle. It is important that we look at the education of individuals with disabilities across their lifespan and the challenges that may arise from their disability and/or their environment. One of the challenges is to see that during the school years individuals are prepared for life in the community, but since this is frequently either not fully attained, or individuals may be slow in terms of development, the issue of adult education becomes critical.
Adult Basic Education is made possible through a partnership with South Florida State College. The Eckstadt Educational Center and its teachers successfully look at variety and variability of performance, a wide range of lifelong learning including the need to learn social and adaptive skills, skills for employment, home management, and recreation. It is important to ensure that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are provided with opportunities to grow and expand their minds.