Local man makes finals for Salt and Pepper Outstanding Senior Award
Bobby Brewington nominated for Community Service and Volunteerism
AVON PARK – The Senior Connection Salt and Pepper Outstanding Senior Awards were created as a tribute to the late Honorable Claude Pepper, whose commitment to improving the lives of seniors and whose accomplishments as an older American continue to inspire others today. Any individual age 60 or older, who resides in Hillsborough, Polk, Manatee, Highlands or Hardee County can be nominated by a member of the community. Bobby Brewington was nominated by Ridge Area Arc CEO, Kathleen Border in the category of Community Service and Volunteerism and was one of three finalists in the category.
“When I read the criteria for the volunteer aware recognition I immediately thought of Bobby,” said Border. “He is always smiling and never hesitates to help in any way that he can, for literally any person he knows needs a helping hand. At just shy of 80 years old, he isn’t letting anything slow him down.”
Brewington volunteers through Ridge Area Arc’s Adult Day Training program and is never seen without a smile on his face. Brewington will celebrate his 80th birthday in December and even though he has very limited use of one hand, and sometimes has difficulty, he feels it is important to give back to the community.
Never to be held back from his goals to serve, Brewington understands the concept of paying it forward and caring for others. He has given dozens of hours of his time to several non-profit agencies in the Highlands County community including Ridge Area Arc, Aktion Club Community Garden, the Sebring Strong Garage Sale to benefit the families of the SunTrust shooting victims, Highlands County Housing Authority and Highlands County Humane society.
Five winners, one from each category: Education and Mentoring; Health and Wellness; Business and Entrepreneurship; Arts and Entertainment; Health and Wellness; Community Service and Volunteerism; Philanthropy, were celebrated at the Ride & Shine Inspirational Breakfast & Awards Ceremony in Tampa.
About Ridge Area Arc
Ridge Area Arc is a private, not for profit 501(c)3 organization, which was founded in 1957 by Franklyn and Mary Ellen Ward. Ridge Area Arc provides an array of services and support for nearly 200 families and individuals across Highlands and its surrounding counties. The agency is devoted to promoting and improving supports and services for all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our vision is that every individual and family affected by intellectual disability in our service area has access to the information, advocacy, and skills they need to participate as active citizens of our democracy and active members of their community. For more information about Ridge Area Arc, please call 863-452-1295.
About Senior Connection Center
Senior Connection Center is a private, not for profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to help older adults and persons with disabilities live with independence and dignity. Senior Connection Center achieves this by connecting seniors and their caregivers to the community resources, programs and services they need.
Bobby Brewington with his finalist plaque. Brewington was nominated in the Community Service and Volunteerism category of the 2019 Salt & Pepper Outstanding Senior Awards.